Written specifically for the LPN/LVN student, this enhanced Third Edition of Introductory Maternity and Pediatric Nursing provides clear, well-illustrated, and clinically relevant coverage of pregnancy, birth, and pediatrics to help you master key clinical and critical thinking skills and prepare for the NCLEX® exam.
Designed through to help you build the skills you need for clinical practice, the book features online video clips of live births, Cesarean delivery, breastfeeding, pediatric milestones, the well child, and the hospitalized child, as well as a built-in workbook at the end of each chapter that includes NCLEX-style questions, study activities and critical thinking: » What Would You Do? » exercises. »
- Prepare for clinical practice with new integrated case studies that apply key concepts to real world practice.
- Prepare for your role in caring for the patient and family through the book’s Nursing Process Framework .
- Understand each patient’s overall nursing care plan with inpatient scenarios and outlines of appropriate diagnoses, outcomes, interactions, and rationales.
- Master key Nursing Procedures through clear instructions that walk you through each step of a range of commonly performed interventions.
- Understand the feelings of patients and their family members through first-person narratives in A Personal Glimpse features.
- Prepare for culturally sensitive practice with Cultural Snapshots that encourage you to think about cultural differences when caring for your patients.
- Master key points through Learning Objectives and Key Points, which set goals for understanding and highlight must-know information.
- Increase your understanding of key concepts and skills through hundreds of full-color photos and illustrations .
- Learn to pronounce difficult terms you will use in clinical practice through new pronunciation guides .
- Check your understanding as you go using the Test Yourself questions interspersed in each chapter.
Prepare for on-the-job challenges through Clinical Secrets that highlight safety concerns and other important topics.