Showing 151–180 of 313 results

  • Radiología Esencial 2Ed. (incluye eBook) 2 TOMOS

    La publicación de esta 2ª edición de Radiología Esencial es consecuencia, por un lado, del enorme éxito de la 1ª edición de la obra y, por otro, de la necesidad de renovar sus contenidos dados los avances científicos que se han producido en el campo de la Radiología en los últimos años.

    La Radiología es una especialidad médica en constante crecimiento que se ha convertido en la técnica paraclínica más relevante para establecer diagnósticos precisos y precoces en un elevadísimo número de procesos. Además, juega un papel esencial en la monitorización de múltiples enfermedades con el objeto de analizar su evolución y respuesta terapéutica.

  • Neuroradiology: A Core Review

    Designed specifically for the Core Exam, Neuroradiology: A Core Review covers all key aspects of neuroradiology, mimicking the image-rich, multiple-choice format of the actual test. Ideal for residents preparing for the Core Examination, as well as practitioners taking recertification exams, this unique review follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, effectively preparing you for Core Exam success!Key Features


  • Vascular and Interventional Radiology: A Core Review

    Designed specifically for the Core Exam, Vascular and Interventional Radiology : A Core Review covers all key aspects of the field, mimicking the image-rich, multiple-choice format of the actual test. Ideal for residents preparing for the Core Examination, as well as practitioners taking recertification exams, this unique review follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, effectively preparing you for Core Exam success!

    • Contains 300 questions with answers, explanations, and references.
    • Features high-quality angiographic, fluoroscopic, CT, MRI, and ultrasound images that demonstrate the broad range of clinical entities encountered in vascular and interventional radiology.
    • Provides concise answers that include rationales, clinical pearls, and literature references, as well as high-yield tables embedded in the answers for additional review.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Cranial Neuroimaging and Clinical Neuroanatomy

    Thieme’s classic, indispensable guide to sectional imaging of the cranium

    Now in a revised and expanded fourth edition, this exquisitely illustrated text/atlas by renowned experts, provides you with the cognitive tools to visualize and interpret CT and MR images of the cranium. In exacting detail, the normal structures of the brain, as seen in the three orthogonal planes (axial, sagittal, and coronal), are revealed with unparalleled accuracy, making the volume a highly useful aid in daily practice, for teaching, and to provide an anatomic baseline for research on the brain.

    Beyond the clinical utility of the contents, the work is an aesthetic pleasure to behold, making learning and comprehension of complex material as simple and easy as possible.

  • Pediatric MR Imaging, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America

    This issue of MRI Clinics of North America focuses on Pediatric MR Imaging, and is edited by Dr. Edward Y. Lee. Articles will include: MRI Evaluation of Pediatric Neck Masses: Review and Update; MRI of Lungs and Airways in Children: Past and Present; Pediatric Mediastinal Masses: Role of MRI As a Problem-Solving Tool; Pediatric Cardiac MRI: Practical Preoperative Assessment; Hepatobiliary MRI in Children: Up-To-Date Imaging Techniques and Findings; Pediatric Renal Neoplasms: MRI-Based Practical Diagnostic Approach; MRI Evaluation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children: Where Are We Now in 2018?; MRI Evaluation of Pediatric Genital Disorders: MR Technology Overview and Interpretation; Pediatric Sport-related Injuries: An Imaging Overview for Current and Future Daily Practice; MRI of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Tumors: Recent Advances and Clinical Applications; MRI Evaluation of Pediatric Lymphatics:  Overview of Techniques and Imaging Findings; PET-MRI: Current Updates on Pediatric Applications; Tales from the Night: Emergency MRI in Pediatric Patients after Hours; and more!

  • Problem Solving in Chest Imaging

    Optimize diagnostic accuracy with Problem Solving in Chest Imaging, a new volume in the Problem Solving in Radiology series. This concise title offers quick, authoritative guidance from experienced radiologists who focus on the problematic conditions you’re likely to see-and how to reach an accurate diagnosis in an efficient manner.

    Key Features


      • Addresses the practical aspects of chest imaging-perfect for practitioners, fellows, and senior level residents who may or may not specialize in chest radiology, but need to use and understand it.
      • Helps you make optimal use of the latest imaging techniques and achieve confident diagnoses.
      • Presents content by organ system and commonly encountered problems, with problem solving techniques integrated throughout.


      • Features more than 1,500 high-quality images that provide a clear picture of what to look for when interpreting studies.


      • Focuses on the core knowledge needed for successful results, covering anatomy, imaging techniques, imaging approach, entities by pathologic disease and anatomic region, and special situations. Key topics include Diffuse Lung Disease, Neoplasms of the Lung and Airways, Interstitial Lung Disease, Smoking-Related Lung Diseases, and Cardiovascular Disease.
      • Shows how to avoid common problems that can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Tables and boxes with tips, pitfalls, and other teaching points show you what to look for, while problem-solving advice helps you make sound clinical decisions.
    • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Fundamentals of Body CT, 5th Edition – Webb

    From recent advances in helical CT techniques to new developments in lung cancer screening to optimized CT techniques in musculoskeletal diagnosis, Fundamentals of Body CT, 5th Edition, covers the essential information you need to know to effectively perform and interpret CT scans. Step-by-step instructions for all current CT techniques help you quickly understand each procedure and review key steps. Comprehensive and easy to digest, this introduction to body CT is an essential resource for radiology residents, practicing radiologists, and medical students.

    Key Features

      • Features many new topics, discussions of additional diseases, and new, high-quality images from cover to cover, including updated descriptions and illustrations of normal anatomy and incidental findings.
      • Allows you to quickly compare diagnoses with a survey of major CT findings for a variety of common diseases―with an emphasis on those findings that help to differentiate one condition from another.
      • Reviews the spiral/helical CT protocols currently used for the diagnosis of chest, abdominal, and musculoskeletal abnormalities, including high-resolution CT, lung nodule assessment and lung cancer screening, CT pulmonary embolism diagnosis, CT enterography, CT enteroclysis, CT colonography, and optimizing CT techniques in musculoskeletal diagnosis.
      • Brings you up to date with recent advances in chest CT, including the classification of adenocarcinoma, evaluation of lung nodules, lung cancer screening (including Lung-RADS) and staging, and the classification and diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases using high-resolution CT
      • Covers new developments in abdominal CT such as the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (Li-RADS) for imaging and reporting small hepatocellular carcinoma, reviews of the Atlanta Classification of Acute Pancreatitis, and an improved description of CT findings of histologic subtypes of renal cell carcinoma.
      • Includes new discussions of the diagnosis of musculoskeletal abnormalities detected on chest and abdominal CT scans obtained for non-musculoskeletal indications.
      • Contains updated disease classifications, including those for pulmonary adenocarcinoma, diffuse lung diseases, and pancreatic lesions.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Topics in Spine Imaging, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America

    This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on The Spine, and is edited by Dr. Lubdha M. Shah. Articles will include: Pearls and Pitfalls in Spine Imaging; Traumatic Spinal Cord; Vascular Disorders of the Spine; Approach to (acute, subacute, chronic) Myelopathy; Acute Low Back Pain; Spinal Manifestations of Systemic Disease; Intraspinal Tumors; Spinal Osseous Tumors and Oncology; Spinal Marrow Imaging: Clues to Disease; Postoperative Spine: What the Surgeons Wants to Know; Beyond the Spinal Canal; CSF Leak in Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: Diagnosis and Intervention; and more!

  • Diagnostic Ultrasound: Vascular

    Develop a solid understanding of vascular ultrasound with this practical, point-of-care reference in the popular Diagnostic Ultrasound series. Written by leading experts in the field, Diagnostic Ultrasound: Vascular offers detailed, clinically oriented coverage of ultrasound anatomy, pathology, technique, and diagnosis. This wealth of up-to-date information helps you achieve an accurate vascular ultrasound diagnosis for every patient.

  • Temporal Bone Imaging: Clinicoradiologic and Surgical Considerations Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics

    This issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America focuses on Temporal Bone Imaging: Clinicoradiologic and Surgical Considerations, and is edited by Drs. Gul Moonis and Amy Fan-Yee Juliano. Articles will include: Imaging of Temporal Bone Infection Inflammation; Imaging of Meniere’s Disease; Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma; Post Operative Imaging of the Temporal Bone; Otosclerosis and Dysplasias of the Temporal Bone; Imaging of Syndromes with Temporal Bone Abnormalities; Imaging of Third Window Lesions; Imaging of Tinnitus; Imaging of Temporal Bone Tumors; Imaging of Pediatric Hearing Loss; Common Otologic Surgical Procedures: Clinical Decision Making Pearls; Imaging of Temporal Bone Trauma: A Clinicoradiologic Perspective; and more!

  • Radiología neonatal – López

    Radiología neonatal aborda de manera concisa las enfermedades más frecuentes en el recién nacido permitiendo una consulta rápida y eficaz.
    -Sistema nervioso central y médula espinal
    -Sistema renal, vías urinarias y aparato genital
    -Sistema esquelético y malformaciones de tejidos blandos

    Ilustrado con más de 1000 fotos de gran interés y calidad, el libro enlaza de manera singular las manifestaciones clínicas con los estudios de imágenes.

    La versión impresa incluye el libro electrónico completo, además de 30 videos sobre las patologías y los temas desarrollados.

    Radiología neonatal es un recurso de gran valor para neonatólogos, pediatras, radiólogos y todos aquellos profesionales que tratan al recién nacido.

    El doctor Eloy López Marure es radiólogo pediatra y pediatra clínico, profesor de Radiología y Pediatría en varias universidades de México y Suramérica. Es miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Pediatría e Investigador en Ciencias Médicas de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud en México. Dicta regularmente cursos de Radiología pediátrica y Radiología neonatal.

    Su libro Radiología pediátrica para pediatras (Ediciones Journal, 2015) mereció el premio al mejor libro de Pediatría otorgado en el año 2016 por la Academia Mexicana de Pediatría. Además, es editor de otros cuatro libros y colaborador en publicaciones sobre Medicina, Radiología, Pediatría y Humanismo.

  • Tratado de Ecocardiografía

    Escrito y respaldado por expertos a nivel mundial de la American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), esta segunda edición del Tratado de Ecocardiografía aborda, de manera concisa, las herramientas necesarias para valorar la anatomía y la función cardíaca con el fin de obtener información no invasiva, que sea clínicamente útil para el diagnóstico y la evaluación de la enfermedad.

    – Ofrece guías actualizadas de práctica ecocardiográfica y tecnologías de avanzada, incluyendo ecocardiografía 3D y ecocardiografía con rastreo de marcas (speckle tracking) para evaluar la deformación miocárdica.
    – Aborda temas actuales, entre ellos, la ecocardiografía intervencionista e intraoperatoria, ecocardiografía transesofágica, tratamiento de resincronización cardíaca, etc.
    – Contribuye a la mejor comprensión de los métodos más recientes para evaluar el tamaño y la función de las cámaras cardíacas, la estenosis y la insuficiencia valvular, las miocardiopatías, la enfermedad coronaria y las complicaciones del infarto de miocardio.
    – Ampliamente ilustrado con imágenes y estudios de casos que abarcan los usos más recientes de la ecocardiografía y los últimos avances en tecnologías 2D y 3D.
    – Incluye una videoteca con más de 500 videos, a los que se accede a través de CONTENIDO DIGITAL.

    Tratado de Ecocardiografía (segunda edición) es una obra fundamental para ecocardiografistas y cardiólogos.

  • Intervencionismo Ecoguiado en el Hombro (incluye versión digital)

    En los últimos años se está generalizando el uso de la ecografía para el control de las infiltraciones y de las punciones en el sistema musculoesquelético, ya que permite controlar la aguja a tiempo real y localizar con exactitud el punto a infiltrar, lo que mejora el resultado del procedimiento.

    Intervencionismo Ecoguiado en el Hombro es un manual práctico que aborda de forma detallada las diferentes técnicas intervencionistas en el hombro, estudiando la presentación clínica de las diferentes patologías en esta articulación, así como las indicaciones para la realización de las técnicas invasivas.

  • Top 3 Differentials in Pediatric Radiology

    The highest-yield, most complete pediatric radiology exam preparation and learning tool available today

    Top 3 Differentials in Pediatric Radiology by renowned pediatric radiologist Rebecca Stein-Wexler and colleagues is part of a series of radiology case books that mirror the highly acclaimed O’Brien classic, Top 3 Differentials in Radiology. Each case is formatted as a two-page unit. The left page features clinical images, succinctly captioned findings, and pertinent clinical history. The right page includes the key imaging gamut, differential diagnoses rank-ordered by the “Top 3,” additional diagnostic considerations, and clinical pearls.

    This book includes an exceptionally diverse array of common and important gamuts encountered in pediatric radiology practice. It is organized into six sections: head and neck imaging; chest, cardiac, and airway imaging; gastrointestinal imaging; genitourinary imaging; musculoskeletal imaging; and brain and spine imaging. Each section begins with a series of differential-based cases and concludes with important “Roentgen Classics” – cases with imaging findings characteristic of a single diagnosis.

    Key Highlights

    • More than 500 high-quality images enhance diagnostic skills
    • Approximately 800 pathological processes/differentials encompassed in 194 high-yield cases
    • Concise discussion highlights key clinical and imaging manifestations for each important differential diagnosis
    • An appendix and list of differential diagnoses serve as a curriculum guide for trainees and educators alike

    This volume provides an exceptionally robust board review and is equally invaluable for clinical practices focused on pediatric radiology. It is a must-have resource for radiology residents, pediatric radiology fellows, and staff radiologists preparing for the ABR core, certifying, and pediatric CAQ exams. It is also an essential tool for radiologists, pediatricians, and surgeons who order or interpret pediatric imaging tests.

  • RadCases Plus Q&A Pediatric Imaging – Gunderman

    Important pediatric radiology cases and board–type Q&A review to help you pass your exam!

    Pediatric radiology provides an opportunity to care for perhaps the most vulnerable patients of all, from prenatal life through adolescence. Pediatric Imaging, Second Edition by Richard Gunderman and Lisa Delaney features 100 new cases along with two board-type multiple-choice questions for each. A wide spectrum of cases focusing on radiology in children – from basic to advanced – are strategically designed to increase a resident’s knowledge and provide robust exam preparation. For maximum ease of self-assessment, each case begins with the clinical presentation on the right-hand page; study that and then turn the page for imaging findings, differential diagnoses with the definitive diagnosis, essential facts, pearls and pitfalls, and more.

    Key Highlights

    • Multiple images for every case demonstrate how a condition appears in different modalities
    • Easy-to-read bulleted formatting and concise, point-by-point presentation of the Essential Facts enables learning and retention of high-yield facts and skill-building in radiologic diagnosis
    • Online access to additional cases enables residents to arrange study sessions, quickly extract and master information, and prepare for theme-based radiology conferences

    Thieme’s RadCases means cases selected to simulate what you will see on your exams, rounds, and rotations. RadCases helps you to identify the correct differential diagnosis for each case, including the most critical. The series comprehensively covers the following specialties:

    • Breast Imaging · Cardiac Imaging · Emergency Imaging · Gastrointestinal Imaging · Genitourinary Imaging · Head and Neck Imaging · Interventional Radiology · Musculoskeletal Radiology · Neuro Imaging · Nuclear Medicine · Pediatric Imaging · Thoracic Imaging · Ultrasound Imaging

    Each RadCases second edition has a code allowing you one year of access to Thieme’s online database of 350 cases: the 100 cases in this book plus 250 cases more.

    Master your cases, pass your exams, and diagnose with confidence: RadCases!

  • RadCases Plus Q&A Neuro Imaging

    Essential neuroradiology cases and board-type Q&A review to help you pass your exam!

    Neuro Imaging Second Edition from Roy Riascos, Eliana Bonfante, and Susana Calle features 100 new cases along with two board-type multiple choice questions for each. This latest edition features state-of-the-art imaging technologies including perfusion techniques, spectroscopy, nuclear medicine, and 3D reconstructions. Updated and new classification systems have been integrated into brain tumor, traumatic spine injury, and intracranial aneurysm cases. For maximum ease of self-assessment, each case begins with the clinical presentation on the right-hand page; study that and then turn the page for imaging findings, differential diagnoses with the definitive diagnosis, essential facts, pearls and pitfalls, and more.

    Key Features

    • New to this edition, a question-and-answer section for each case reinforces key concepts
    • Easy-to-read bulleted formatting and concise, point-by-point presentation of the Essential Facts enables learning and retention of high-yield facts and skill-building in neuroradiologic diagnosis
    • Online access to additional cases enables residents to arrange study sessions, quickly extract and master information, and prepare for specialized neuroradiology conferences
  • Imaging of the Pelvis and Lower Extremity, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America

    This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Imaging of the Pelvis and Lower Extremity, and is edited by Drs. Laura Bancroft and Kurt Scherer. Articles will include: Turf toe injury/Plantar plate pathology; Lisfranc injury; Metatarsalgia; Ankle impingement types; Posterolateral corner injury; Imaging of the post-operative meniscus; Demystifying uncommon sources of pelvic pain; Current concepts of femoro-acetabular impingement; Bone/soft tissue tumors about the foot/ankle; Ultrasound intervention of the lower extremity/pelvis; Lower extremity neuropathies (entrapment); Extreme sport injuries of the pelvis/lower extremity; and more!

  • Essentials of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 7th Edition

    Covering both the fundamentals and recent developments in this fast-changing field, Essentials of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 7th Edition, is a must-have resource for radiology residents, nuclear medicine residents and fellows, nuclear medicine specialists, and nuclear medicine technicians. Known for its clear and easily understood writing style, superb illustrations, and self-assessment features, this updated classic is an ideal reference for all diagnostic imaging and therapeutic patient care related to nuclear medicine, as well as an excellent review tool for certification or MOC preparation.

  • Pediatric Sonography

    Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

    Pediatric Sonography has long been recognized as the leading technical reference in its field. Now, the fifth edition continues in that tradition, providing up-to-date guidance on sonographic image decision-making, examination, and interpretation in both children and adolescents. Each chapter covers a specific organ system and the disease processes associated with it.

    • Overflowing with over 1800 updated figures, including Doppler sonograms and full color illustrations.
    • Briskly covers all aspects of sonography in children and adolescents, including imaging techniques, instrumentation, examination, and diagnosis.
    • Depicts the presentation of normal anatomy and identifies technical errors that may affect your interpretation of the sonographic image.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Pocket Interventional Radiology

    Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

    Pocket Interventional Radiology is a practical, high-yield reference offering current, evidence-based practices and expert guidance in this fast-growing area. Featuring an easy-to-use, loose-leaf format, it contains key clinical information regarding the workup of patients, imaging, and necessary procedural details, including physical exam tips and tricks, medication information, and pre- and post-procedure patient management.

    • Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain.
    • Provides concise coverage of all IR procedures, including noninvasive and diagnostic —ideal for interventional radiology residents, fellow trainees, and medical students on rotation.
    • Covers pain management, floor management of commonly encountered conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, pediatric and pregnant patients, and ancillary topics such as radiation safety, imaging techniques, and the basics of other related specialties.
    • Includes chapters of particular interest to residents and fellows, such as on call issues, hemostasis, and ICU care.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Surgical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus

    Thorough knowledge of the lumbar plexus and its branches is crucial to achieving positive patient outcomes, especially with newer surgical approaches. Many of the nerve branches are formed within the psoas major muscle and careful dissection is necessary to free them during surgery to prevent damage. Moreover, the iliac vessels are medial to some of the larger branches of the plexus, such as the femoral and obturator nerves. In the retroperitoneal space, the kidney and ureter are nearby. In addition, due to the overlying peritoneal cavity and its contents, accessing the lumbar plexus presents considerable challenges.

    Surgical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus is the only book on the market devoted to the lumbar plexus and its branches, focusing on anatomy and clinical applications, pathology, surgery, and imaging. Internationally known authors R. Shane Tubbs, Marios Loukas, Amgad Hanna, Rod Oskouian and a cadre of esteemed specialists provide unique insights, clinical pearls, knowledge based on thousands of spine surgeries, and a well-rounded multidisciplinary perspective.

  • Atlas of Dermatologic Ultrasound

    This atlas presents a practical and systematic approach for performing dermatologic ultrasound. In recent years, the use of this imaging modality for diagnosing pathologic conditions of the skin, hair, nails, scalp, and soft tissues has grown dramatically and there is a demonstrated need for quick access to this information. For common dermatologic entities, richly-illustrated figures and drawings describe the ultrasound normal anatomy, technical guidelines, common findings, variants, key points, and tips and pitfalls. The extensive collection includes clinical and ultrasonographic correlations with 3D color Doppler ultrasound images and high-definition videos produced with state-of-the-art technology and relevant topics such as benign cutaneous and nail tumors and pseudotumors, skin cancer, vascular anomalies, facial ultrasound anatomy for cosmetic purposes, aesthetic complications, inflammatory diseases, etc. The Atlas of Dermatologic Ultrasound is a valuable resource and a must-have book for radiologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, sonographers, residents, and medical professionals who wish to strengthen their knowledge of the wide spectrum of sonographic presentations of dermatologic conditions and successfully integrate this field ofultrasound into their clinical practice.

  • Tórax 2 Avances en Diagnóstico por imágenes Cir – Criales

    Avances en Diagnóstico por Imágenes es una publicación oficial del
    Colegio Interamericano de Radiología (CIR). Creado en 1946, el CIR está
    integrado actualmente por veintidós sociedades nacionales de Radiología de
    América y la península Ibérica que representan a más de cincuenta y cinco mil
    radiólogos. Entre sus objetivos principales se destaca la promoción de la educación
    continua de los especialistas, mediante cursos, congresos (presenciales
    y virtuales), programas de profesor visitante y variadas publicaciones.

  • Fundamentals of High-Resolution Lung CT – Elicker

    Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

    In clear and concise language, Fundamentals of High-Resolution Lung CT, provides a straightforward guide to understanding the high-resolution lung CT (HRCT) assessment of diffuse lung diseases. You will learn to accurately interpret HRCT findings, and how those findings can translate into the correct diagnosis or appropriate differential diagnosis. This volume includes over 600 images we consider classic, many of which have been updated and improved to facilitate easier reading and more precise interpretation.

    • This new edition includes two-page summaries of each chapter, including; key diseases, facts, and findings, as well as classic images — useful for review or to better understand CT findings and specific topics
    • Every chapter has been updated with new content and new imagery to reflect recent advances and understanding of diseases, and to aid in diagnosis.
    • Numerous pathology images have been added to help you better understand disease processes.
    • Seminal images are now highlighted so you can compare to more recent findings.
    • Covers many commonly encountered diseases like pneumonias, sarcoidosis, and connective tissue diseases, as well as rare diseases.
    • Not just for radiologists in practice and residence; specialists in pulmonology and oncology benefit, too!

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Essentials – Chew

    Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

    Perfect for residents to use during rotations, or as a quick review for practicing radiologists and fellows, Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Essentials is a complete, concise overview of the most important knowledge in this complex field. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with board-style questions that help you focus your learning. A self-assessment examination at the end of the book tests your mastery of the content and prepares you for exams.

    • Follows the proven Essentials Series format to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of clinical musculoskeletal imaging.
    • Features image-rich, case-based multiple-choice questions with answers that provide self-assessment and mimic what you’re likely to see on exams.
    • Emphasizes a conceptual approach to understanding imaging findings of bone, joint, and soft tissue conditions on all modalities used for musculoskeletal imaging.
    • Helps you successfully absorb key ideas and facts through behaviorally based learning objectives that support the most current residency curriculum from the Society of Skeletal Radiology.
    • Puts indispensable information at your fingertips in a compact and practical, high-yield format.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen

    Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen reflects the realities of your everyday work: it describes the principal anatomic landmarks so that you can orient yourself in the chest and abdomen with speed and confidence, interpret the findings, and make a diagnosis.

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  • Diagnóstico por Imagen Procedimientos intervencionistas – Walker

    Las habilidades clínicas y técnicas que requiere la radiología intervencionista siempre han sido vistas con cierto temor por parte de los residentes y médicos en proceso de especialización por su dificultad, por lo cual resulta imprescindible contar con un tutor con experiencia en el ámbito de los procedimientos intervencionistas y la asistencia clínica de los pacientes. Por ello, disponer de un tratado completo y útil, que aborde la amplitud y el alcance de las intervenciones guiadas por imagen, supone un apoyo fundamental. “Diagnóstico por imagen. Procedimientos intervencionistas” es una obra práctica de referencia, una guía de información útil para llevar a cabo las intervenciones guiadas por imagen en las situaciones clínicas pertinentes.

  • Expert DDX Ecografía

    EXPERTddx: Ecografía es el tercer libro diseñado específicamente para el ecografista. Nuestro primer libro, Diagnóstico por Imagen: Ecografía, aborda el aspecto ecográfico de los trastornos habituales de la práctica clínica. El segundo libro, Imagen Anatómica: Ecografía abarca la anatomía fundamental que todo ecografista debe conocer.

    En EXPERTddx: Ecografía, nos centramos en los cimientos del diagnóstico ecográfico. El texto se fija en las características ecográficas diferenciales de una masa o lesión. ¿Es hipoecoica, calcificada, vascular o sólida? La presencia y la disposición de estas características ecográficas diferenciales permite caracterizar los tejidos afectados, lo que hace posible llegar a un diagnóstico diferencial ecográfico. Relacionar este diagnóstico ecográfico con la presentación clínica da lugar al diagnóstico final más probable.

    Es importante tener en cuenta que un diagnóstico raras veces se basa en una característica ecográfica aislada. Normalmente, cualquier lesión muestra una amplia diversidad de características ecográficas, cada una de las cuales aporta una clave sobre la naturaleza del tejido que se explora. Por ejemplo, una masa hepática puede ser hipoecoica, no calcificada, vascular y sólida. Esta combinación de características nos lleva a realizar una lista de diagnósticos diferenciales, entre los que se incluye el carcinoma hepatocelular. La presencia de fibrosis, ascitis, pérdida de peso y aumento de la alfa-fetoproteína apunta a un diagnóstico definitivo: carcinoma hepatocelular.

    Cuando usted estudie EXPERTddx: Ecografía, considere cada característica como el punto de arranque de una cadena de razonamiento. Muy pronto unirá estas características y razonamientos para llegar rápidamente a un diagnóstico definitivo.

    Aunque dedicado a la ecografía, este libro incluye también imágenes de otras modalidades. Se trata de resaltar que la ecografía no es una especialidad aislada. La información obtenida mediante la ecografía frecuentemente puede servir de complemento para otras modalidades de estudios de imagen, o inspirarse en ellas como fuente de información. En este libro no se trata la ecografía en obstetricia, dado que este tema ha sido abordado en un libro independiente de esta misma serie (Woodward – EXPERTddx – Imagen Obstétrica).

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  • Avances en Diagnóstico por Imágenes: Oncología

    Con mucha satisfacción festejamos la edición de un nuevo libro de la serie de Avances en Diagnóstico por Imágenes, escrita en idioma español. Este volumen, a diferencia de los anteriores, que abordaban un grupo de órganos o espacios anatómicos o una edad determinada, esta dirigido a una patología especifica, como es el cáncer. La elección del tema obedece a la gran prevalencia de esta enfermedad y a los avances médicos recientes en oncología, así como al interés del radiólogo de permanecer actualizado en esta disciplina de tratamiento multidisciplinario. El diagnóstico por imágenes ha adquirido un papel protagónico en la atención médica de los pacientes oncológicos. Muchas decisiones clínicas están influenciadas por los hallazgos en los estudios de imágenes, por lo cual el radiólogo se ha convertido en un miembro clave del tratamiento de estos pacientes. La importancia de las imágenes en oncología se refleja en el constante incremento del número de estudios que se realizan anualmente, en particular de las técnicas modernas de tomografía computarizada, resonancia magnética y tomografía por emisión de positrones. Los estudios por imágenes son necesarios en diferentes etapas de la enfermedad y en distintas circunstancias clínicas como el diagnóstico, el estadio tumoral, la elección del tratamiento, la planificación terapéutica, la respuesta oncológica y la detección de complicaciones. Este volumen de la serie Avances en Diagnóstico por Imágenes, que ha sido meticulosamente dirigido y editado por el Dr. Ricardo García Mónaco, abarca todos los aspectos modernos del enfoque radiológico y pone el énfasis en la necesidad de una comunicación fluida entre el radiólogo y el oncólogo tratante. Los capítulos del libro han sido escritos por médicos de gran prestigio internacional, no solo hispanohablantes, sino también de los Estados Unidos y Francia.
