Showing 51–75 of 325 results

  • Core Radiology A Visual Approach to Diagnostic Imaging – Sun

    Embodying the principle of ‘everything you need but still easy to read’, this fully updated edition of Core Radiology is an indispensable aid for learning the fundamentals of radiology and preparing for the American Board of Radiology Core exam. Containing over 2,100 clinical radiological images with full explanatory captions and color-coded annotations, streamlined formatting ensures readers can follow discussion points effortlessly. Bullet pointed text concentrates on essential concepts, with text boxes, tables and over 400 color illustrations supporting readers’ understanding of complex anatomic topics. Real-world examples are presented for the readers, encompassing the vast majority of entitles likely encountered in board exams and clinical practice. Divided into two volumes, this edition is more manageable whilst remaining comprehensive in its coverage of topics, including expanded pediatric cardiac surgery descriptions, updated brain tumor classifications, and non-invasive vascular imaging. Highly accessible and informative, this is the go-to introductory textbook for radiology residents worldwide.

  • Tomografía Computarizada Cardíaca Principios, técnica y aplicaciones clínicas – Bastarrika

    La tomografía computarizada (TC) cardíaca se ha convertido en la técnica de elección para la valoración no invasiva de la vascularización coronaria. Su utilidad se basa en la capacidad de esta técnica para descartar la enfermedad coronaria, pero su potencial trasciende a la mera valoración de la permeabilidad de la luz del vaso, ya que también permite caracterizar la pared vascular y establecer la composición de la placa de ateroma.

    Tomografía computarizada cardíaca. Principios, técnica y aplicaciones clínicas trata los fundamentos de la TC cardíaca desde sus principios esenciales para adentrarse en los aspectos más avanzados de la técnica. Esta obra se caracteriza por:

    • Estar escrita con un estilo práctico, tal y como lo demuestran los algoritmos, tablas y figuras que comprende cada capítulo.
    • Contar con trucos y consejos para que el profesional adquiera y repase los conocimientos necesarios para realizar e interpretar estudios cardíacos por TC.
    • Permitir al lector conocer las bases teóricas de la TC cardíaca, comprender los protocolos de adquisición, interpretar las exploraciones y familiarizarse con las aplicaciones clínicas establecidas y en investigación.

    La obra está dirigida a los profesionales de la salud interesados en la imagen cardíaca, especialmente a radiólogos y cardiólogos. También resulta de interés para técnicos, enfermeras de radiología y estudiantes de esta materia.

  • Central Nervous System Infections, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics

    Central Nervous System Infections

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editor Dr. Tchoyoson Lim Choie Cheio brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Central Nervous System Infections. Infections can involve any part of the CNS and often, multiple parts of the CNS are involved at the same time. The imaging surrounding them is constantly evolving, and in this issue, key international experts provide a thorough update of the imaging of these common and pervasive infections.
    Key Features
    • Contains 13 practice-oriented topics including emerging public health, multidisciplinary teams and pitfalls in CNS infection imaging; acute neurological complications of COVID-19; subacute to chronic neuroimaging findings in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 infection; imaging of opportunistic infections and HIV/AIDS; imaging of head and neck infections; and more.
    • Provides in-depth clinical reviews on central nervous system infections, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
    • Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
  • Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast – Fornage

    This book is the premier guide to ultrasound-guided interventions of the breast. Written by Bruno D Fornage, a world-renowned leader in the fields of breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided interventions, it covers in detail techniques of freehand ultrasound-guided breast biopsy, placement of post-biopsy markers, localization of nonpalpable lesions, and percutaneous ablation of breast masses. A large part of the book describes the highly effective combined use of fine-needle aspiration and core-needle biopsy during the staging of breast cancer; this combination has been used successfully by the author at MD Anderson Cancer Center for 3 decades.


    Throughout the book, the author shares numerous tips and tricks, many of which have not been published before. With over 1300 figures and and 200 videoclips depicting ultrasound-guided procedures, Interventional Ultrasound of the Breast is the authoritative resource for breast imagers, interventional radiologists, surgical breast oncologists, pathologists, and anyone who embarks on ultrasound-guided breast biopsies and other breast procedures. In addition, the techniques described in this book are applicable to many other areas of the body, including the thyroid and soft tissues.

  • Search Pattern: A Systematic Approach to Diagnostic Imaging – Long Tu

    Search Pattern is a collection of step-by-step guides to more than a hundred of the most common types of studies in radiology. Blind spots reported in the literature as well as practical wisdom from experts is synthesized into highly structured processes that can guide the development of better practice. Much of the contained insight has never been organized in one place before. Search Pattern covers almost every type of study that a radiologist will encounter in training or practice. This text is written with the assumption that the reader has familiarity with basic radiologic terminology, anatomy, and physics. In the interest of brevity, almost all information outside of the organized approaches is omitted. The reader is encouraged to look up terms, images, and background information from supplementary resources. Formalized teaching of search patterns is a missing part of the educational literature in our field. Hopefully this book helps fill that void. It is one that I would have benefited from greatly when I was a resident. – Long Tu, YDR Class of 2020

  • Textbook of Dermatologic Ultrasound – Wortsman

    This book provides a pedagogical guide to dermatologic ultrasound. As in any imaging field, dermatologic ultrasound is dynamic, and the area expands with the release of new technology. This textbook is a mix of the essential knowledge necessary to start and a detailed update to the dermatologic ultrasound field.

    This book is divided into three sections: The Requisites, Ultrasound Features of Common Dermatologic Conditions, and Practicalities. The first section details the basic information needed in dermatologic ultrasound, including technical recommendations and dermatologic concepts. The second covers major dermatologic conditions and their ultrasound presentation, including benign and malignant skin tumors, pediatric conditions, nail entities, inflammatory conditions, infections and infestations, and aesthetics. The final section covers tips for reporting and interventional dermatologic ultrasound procedures.Chapters present substantial clinical, ultrasonographic, and histologic correlation, including algorithms to help discriminate different conditions. The book additionally includes 150 self-assessment questions (CME) in the backmatter, multiple key points, a plethora of state-of-the-art images with probes that go from 18 to 70 MHz, and ultrasound videos.

    This is a must guide for physicians, residents, and students in radiology, dermatology, plastic surgery, and any professional who wants to brush up on the dermatologic ultrasound field.

  • Pie y Tobillo – Quesada

    Pie y Tobillo

    El trabajo del especialista en una unidad de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología es una tarea compleja que requiere el conocimiento de numerosas patologías. Esta obra pretende ser una herramienta de consulta útil para los residentes en la especialidad que resuelva los problemas más habituales a los que deben enfrentarse en su primera etapa formativa en el hospital.

  • Eco MSK 6 Tobillo y Pie – Jiménez

    En este nuevo libro ECO•MSK, Tobillo y Pie se hace un completo recorrido de la anatomía ecográfica, la patología y las técnicas intervencionistas de esta región. Por una parte, se realiza una revisión ampliada de la sonoanatomía de la pierna y del tobillo, estudiando con mucho detalle algunas estructuras como los ligamentos de la articulación. Tal es el caso de los fascículos de la cara posterior del tobillo o los ligamentos cortos que unen los huesos del pie, que se explican con gran precisión.

    Pero lo más novedoso es la somera descripción que se realiza de la anatomía ecográfica de las estructuras de la planta del pie, incluyendo los músculos intrínsecos de la región plantar, los tendones de los músculos extrínsecos como el tendón del peroneo largo, el nudo de Henry y el tendón tibial posterior. Además, se evalúan las articulaciones metatarsofalángicas y los haces neurovasculares.

    En cuanto al examen ultrasonográfico de la patología, se revisan las lesiones musculares de la pierna y las lesiones articulares, tendinosas y ligamentosas del tobillo. También es novedoso el amplio repaso que se realiza de las lesiones que afectan a los huesos, articulaciones y tendones del pie. Pero lo que mas destaca es el estudio en profundidad de aquellas afecciones específicas del pie, como las lesiones de la fascia, los neuromas, las lesiones quísticas o la metatarsalgia, además de las lesiones que afectan a la piel y al tejido celular subcutáneo. Finalmente se describen las técnicas mas frecuentes de intervencionismo ecoguiado aplicadas a estas lesiones de pie y tobillo.

  • Eco Msk 3 Mano Y Muñeca – Jiménez

    La muñeca es otro ejemplo de la utilidad de la herramienta ecográfica que se ha incorporado a la práctica diaria de numerosas especialidades médicas para el diagnóstico y tratamiento ecodirigido de las lesiones que en la muñeca y mano se producen.

    En ECO•MSK MANO y MUÑECA se hace un completo recorrido por la anatomía ecográfica de esta región, describiendo las pequeñas articulaciones, así como aquellas zonas no descritas en anteriores textos como la división del nervio cubital dentro del canal de Guyon, la descripción de los músculos de la región volar de la mano o la organización de los tendones flexores en su recorrido a través de los dedos.

    Además, se revisan con detalle las lesiones de esta región anatómica, estudiando los diferentes procedimientos ecoguiados que se aplican para la resolución de estas patologías. Se incluye por tanto el examen de las lesiones tendinosas centradas en los procesos tenosinoviales y roturas de los tendones que cruzan la muñeca y la mano. También se describe el examen ecográfico de los síndromes de compresión neurológica, las lesiones óseas, articulares y ligamentosas, los quistes y tumores y, finalmente, las lesiones que afectan específicamente a los dedos de la mano.

    Un ejemplo de la utilidad de esta técnica en la evaluación del síndrome del túnel carpiano es su capacidad para detectar las alteraciones morfológicas del nervio, secundarias a los procesos de compresión en el túnel y correlacionarlas con la gravedad del daño nervioso en todos los casos, incluso en los idiopáticos. Además, permite por una parte identificar la mayoría de las formas asociadas que provocan este síndrome, y por otra resaltar algunas variantes o condiciones anatómicas predisponentes que pueden representar contraindicaciones para tratamientos mínimamente invasivos, además de evaluar a aquellos pacientes con un resultado desfavorable después de un tratamiento quirúrgico.

    Por todo ello, en este volumen, hemos conseguido un triple objetivo. Reunir toda la información necesaria para alcanzar un amplio conocimiento de la sonoanatomía de la mano y de la muñeca, así como de los signos ecográficos de las lesiones que allí se producen y, finalmente, de los procedimientos ecodirigidos para el tratamiento de la patología que con más frecuencia en esta región anatómica se origina.

  • Pocket de Radiología RX – TC – RM – ECO – De Gregorio

    ¡Pocket de Radiología es el libro que contempla todas las técnicas (RM, TC, RX, Eco) en formato de bolsillo!

    Moderno, práctico y didáctico, distinguiéndose por «no sólo ser» para radiólogos. Es el compañero ideal para una guardia para cualquier médico general o residente que, de una forma rápida, podrá aclarar cualquier duda.

    Desde la desaparición, hace ya muchos años, del «Compendio de Pedrosa», no había habido ningún libro que cubriera esa demanda y Pocket de Radiología ofrece la posibilidad de utilizar su contenido como libro de consulta en un formato Pocket, tremendamente cómodo de manejar y con una excelente calidad de imagen, con fotografías radiológicas mejoradas digitalmente e impresas

  • Vascular Ultrasound How, Why and When, 4th Edition – Thrush

    Now in its fourth edition, Vascular Ultrasound offers a compact yet comprehensive practical guide for anyone working in the field of vascular sonography.

    The book is written by expert practitioners as an easily accessible reference, providing key information suited to sonographers in their day-to-day practice. It covers essential vascular investigations undertaken by ultrasound departments and vascular laboratories in more detail than general ultrasound textbooks, but without overwhelming sonographers with highly complex information that may not be relevant to them.

    Here you will find essential information including the principle of ultrasound physics to enable accurate assessment of the peripheral circulation and blood flow, the use of the main scanner functions and controls, the main disorders of the arterial and venous circulation system with appropriate treatment and management, and techniques for the diagnosis and grading of disease.

  • Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 2: Head, Neck, and Spine – Massoud

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editor Dr. Tarik F. Massoud brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 2: Head, Neck, and Spine. Anatomical knowledge is critical to reducing both overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis in neuroimaging. This issue is part two of a two-part series on neuroimaging anatomy that focuses on the head, neck, and spine. Each article addresses a specific area such as the orbits, sinonasal cavity, temporal bone, pharynx, larynx, and spinal cord.
    Key Features
    • Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics including anatomy of the orbits; maxillofacial skeleton and facial anatomy; temporal bone anatomy; craniocervical junction and cervical spine anatomy; anatomy of the spinal cord, coverings, and nerves; and more.
    • Provides in-depth clinical reviews on neuroimaging anatomy of the head, neck, and spine, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
    • Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
  • Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 1: Brain and Skull, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics – Massoud

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editor Dr. Tarik F. Massoud brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Neuroimaging Anatomy, Part 1: Brain and Skull. Anatomical knowledge is critical to reducing both overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis in neuroimaging. This issue is part one of a two-part series on neuroimaging anatomy that focuses on the brain, with each article addressing a specific area. The issue also includes an article on Brain Connectomics: the study of the brain’s structural and functional connections between cells.
    Key Features
    • Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including anatomy of cerebral cortex, lobes, and the cerebellum; brainstem anatomy; cranial nerves anatomy; brain functional imaging anatomy; imaging of normal brain aging; and more.
    • Provides in-depth clinical reviews on neuroimaging anatomy of the brain and skull, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
    • Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
  • Joe / Breast Imaging, 4th Ed. The Core Requisites

    Focusing on high-yield informationBreast Imaging: The Core Requisites, 4th Edition emphasizes the basics to help you establish a foundational understanding of breast imaging during rotations, refresh your knowledge of key concepts, and learn strategies to provide «value-added» reports to referring clinicians. This completely rewritten and reorganized edition emphasizes the essential knowledge you need in an easy-to-read format, with thorough updates that cover new imaging modalities, the latest guidelines, and integration of physics information throughout.

    Key Features
      • Emphasizes the essentials in a templated, quick-reference format that includes numerous outlines, tables, pearls, boxed material, and bulleted content for easy reading, reference, and recall.


      • Helps you build and solidify core knowledge to prepare you for clinical practice with critical, up-to-date information on mammography, breast ultrasound, digital breast tomosynthesis, and breast MRIs, as well as special chapters on lymph node evaluation in breast imaging, augmented and reconstructed breast, and special populations in breast imaging.



      • Features hundreds of high-quality images, including correlations of ultrasound, mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis and MRI.



      • Published as part of the newly reimagined Core Requisites series, an update to the popular Requisites series aimed at radiology trainees and today’s busy clinicians.



      • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.


  • The Physics of Clinical MR Taught Through Images 5th – Runge

    The objective of this 5th edition of the book, as with the prior editions, is to teach through images a practical approach to magnetic resonance (MR) physics and image quality. Unlike other texts covering this topic, the focus is on clinical images rather than equations. A practical approach to MR physics is developed through images, emphasizing knowledge of fundamentals important to achieve high image quality. Pulse diagrams are also included, which many at first find difficult to understand. Readers are encouraged to glance at these as they go through the text. With time and repetition, as a reader progresses through the book, the value of these and the knowledge thus available will become evident (and the diagrams themselves easier to understand).

  • Diagnostic Pathology: Bone, 3rd Edition – Nielsen

    This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all areas of bone pathology, it incorporates the most recent clinical, pathological, and molecular knowledge in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Bone is a one-stop reference for accurate, complete surgical pathology reports, ideal as a day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource.

  • Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Radiology, 3rd Edition – Wible

    Key Features

    • Provides a comprehensive, expert reference for review and preparation of common and infrequently performed procedures, with detailed «step-by-step» instructions for conducting image-guided interventions in various clinical scenarios

    • Covers vascular venous, arterial, and lymphatic procedures, with specific attention to thromboembolic, posttransplant, and oncologic therapies

    • Addresses emerging nonvascular image-guided treatments in pain management, neurologic and musculoskeletal procedures, and others

    • Contains new procedures chapters on endovascular treatments for pulmonary embolisms and deep vein thrombosis, prostate artery embolization, pelvic venous disorders, and percutaneous/endovascular arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation

    • Features sweeping updates throughout, including updated guidelines and recommendations from the Society of Interventional Radiology

    • Offers more than 3,200 images (in print and online), including radiologic

    images, full-color medical illustrations, instructional photo essays, and clinical

    and histologic photographs

    • Clearly demonstrates procedural steps, complications, treatment alternatives, variant anatomy, and more?all fully annotated to highlight the most important diagnostic information

    • Organized by procedure type, allowing for quick comparison of different procedural techniques that may have complementary or alternative roles in managing specific disease states

    • Builds on the award-winning second edition, which won first prize in the British Medical Association’s Medical Book Awards, Radiology category

    • Includes the enhanced eBook version, which allows you to search all text, figures, and references on a variety of devices

  • Chest Radiology: A Resident’s Manual – Kirchner

    Chest Radiology: A Resident’s Manual is a comprehensive introduction to reading and analyzing radiologic cardiopulmonary images. Readers are guided through systemic image analysis and can further enhance their learning experience with training cases found at the end of each chapter. Cases describe and discuss frequently asked questions regarding heart failure, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial carcinoma, fibrosis, pleural disorders, and more. This user-friendly manual will allow the reader to confidently answer the most important and commonly encountered questions related to plain chest radiographs in daily clinical practice. The easy-to-read layout pairs explanatory text on the left page with related drawings and images on the right, allowing readers to navigate their way through each section with ease. Features More than 600 high-resolution images and illustrations demonstrate a wealth of pathology Concise descriptions explain how to examine conventional x-ray and CT images Numerous callout boxes in each chapter highlight key takeaway points A scratch-off code provides access to a searchable online database of 250 must-know thoracic imaging cases This practice-oriented manual is an invaluable resource and reference guide for residents and radiologists-in-training.

  • Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review – Jeudy

    Prepare for success on the cardiac imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Jean Jeudy and Sachin Malik, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.

    • Features questions in all exam areas, including basic imaging, normal anatomy, all diseases relative to cardiac imaging, all modalities, and postoperative appearances of devices.
    • Features over 200 high-resolution images.
    • Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references.
    • Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.


  • Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck, 4th Edition – Hamilton

    Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck, fourth edition, is an invaluable resource for neuroradiologists, general radiologists, and trainees—anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference on today’s head and neck imaging. Dr. Philip R. Chapman and his team of highly regarded experts provide up-to-date information on recent advances in disease identification, imaging techniques, and  tumor staging to help you make informed decisions at the point of care. The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice.
  • Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary – Fananapazir

    Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary, fourth edition, is an invaluable resource for general radiologists and trainees—anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference on today’s genitourinary (GU) imaging. Drs. Ghaneh Fananapazir, Bryan R. Foster, and their team of highly regarded experts provide up-to-date information on recent advances in technology and the understanding of GU diseases and disorders to help you make informed decisions at the point of care. The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice.
    Key Features
    • Serves as a one-stop resource for key concepts and information on GU imaging, including a wealth of new material and content updates throughout
    • Features more than 2,500 images (state-of-the-art cross-sectional imaging, full-color medical illustrations, radiologic images, clinical photographs, H&E stains, and gross pathology photographs), plus 500 additional images and video clips online
    • Features updates from cover to cover including updated Bosniak 2019 criteria, PI-RADS v2.1 terminology, updated cancer staging chapters, new interventional techniques, new contrast agent guidelines, and new chapters on transgender imaging
    • Contains a new 10-chapter section on kidney transplant, including post-transplant procedures
    • Covers key procedures such as renal biopsy; percutaneous genitourinary interventions; kidney ablation/embolization; and venous sampling and venography
    • Covers all aspects of GU imaging, including typical and variant findings; GU anatomy, physiology, imaging protocols, and work-ups; and new developments in diagnostic criteria and terminology
    • Uses bulleted, succinct text and highly templated chapters for quick comprehension of essential information at the point of care
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
  • Problem Solving in Pediatric Imaging – Sarvis

    Optimize diagnostic accuracy with Problem Solving in Pediatric Imaging, a new volume in the Problem Solving in Radiology series. This concise title offers quick, authoritative guidance from experienced radiologists who focus on the problematic conditions you’re likely to see—and how to reach an accurate diagnosis in an efficient manner.
    Key Features
    • Addresses the practical aspects of pediatric imaging—perfect for practitioners, fellows, and senior level residents who may or may not specialize in pediatric radiology, but need to use and understand it.
    • Integrates problem-solving techniques throughout, addressing questions such as, «If I see this, what do I need to consider? What are my next steps?»
    • Presents content in a highly useful, real-world manner, with sections on conventional radiography in the ED, NICU, PICU, and CICU; fluoroscopy; body imaging; and neuroradiology.
    • Imaging findings are merged with clinical, anatomic, developmental, and molecular information to extract key diagnostic and therapeutic information.
    • Contains a section on special topics with chapters on radiation safety and quality assurance.
    • Features hundreds of high-quality color images and anatomic drawings that provide a clear picture of what to look for when interpreting studies. Illustrations conveying normal anatomy help you gain an in-depth perspective of each pathology.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Manual de Ecografía Musculoesquelética – Ventura

    Este manual tiene como objetivo de servir como guía para los Reumatólogos que se entrenan en ultrasonido musculoesquelético, cubre aspectos fundamentales como los principios físicos de la ecografía, el conocimiento de los elementos de un ecógrafo para obtener imágenes óptimas, la revisión de las estructuras articulares y periarticulares, la revisión sistemática de las regiones anatómicas, la utilidad del Doppler de poder, los hallazgos sonográficos en las diferentes patologías en las que el ultrasonido ha demostrado su utilidad tanto para el diagnóstico como para seguimiento, además del papel del ultrasonido en patologías menos frecuentes como vasculitis, afección de glándulas salivales, lesiones traumáticas y, por último pero no menos importante, el uso del ultrasonido como guía para punciones-infiltraciones. Cuenta con la participación de renombrados Reumatólogos con gran experiencia en la técnica, que apoyan a ECOMER (Escuela de Ecografía del Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología).

  • Diagnóstico por imágenes del sistema musculoesquelético – Kimura

    La serie de libros del Dr. Kenji Kimura ofrece una selección de los casos clínicos radiológicos recopilados durante sus más de 40 años de práctica profesional. Los casos se encuentran distribuidos al azar —como ocurre en la práctica diaria— y presentan diferentes grados de dificultad: desde los más sencillos hasta los que requieren de experiencia y sagacidad para descubrir signos y hallazgos sutiles a la hora de arribar a un diagnóstico. En cada volumen se presentan inicialmente las imágenes y los datos clínicos claves de cada caso, lo que permite al lector ensayar un diagnóstico presuntivo. Posteriormente, se ofrece el diagnóstico final acompañado de una discusión minuciosa, documentada con bibliografía actualizada. Se trata de una serie de lectura ágil y amena, y con un enorme valor didáctico. Diagnóstico por imágenes del sistema musculoesquelético es el tercer volumen de la serie. Aborda la patología ósea, articular, muscular y de los tejidos blandos, que incluyen ligamentos y tendones, con el uso coordinado de una variedad de técnicas de imagen, que han evolucionado por el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías. Está dirigido a estudiantes de medicina, residentes de radiología, traumatólogos, ortopedistas, internistas, radiólogos y especialistas en resonancia magnética y ultrasonido del sistema musculoesquelético.

  • Tc de Cuerpo Serie Secretos – Strang

    Ediciones Journal publica en espanol esta obra de la afamada coleccion Secretos de la editorial Elsevier, que ofrece pautas para realizar e interpretar correctamente la tomografia computarizada de cuerpo. Estructurada en base a 1469 preguntas y respuestas, junto a 696 imagenes de TC, el lector encontrara las caracteristicas distintivas de los titulos anteriores de la serie: listas, reglas nemotecnicas y consejos de los autores. Este nuevo volumen contiene otras mejoras que le resultaran de gran utilidad:* Un nuevo diseno en dos colores, recuadros con Conceptos fundamentales y listas de sitios de Internet para consultar: Un tamano mas pequeno y comodo, Un capitulo inicial que resume los 100 secretos principales de la TC de cuerpo. Cualquiera sea la pregunta que surja acerca de la TC de cuerpo, esta obra tiene todas las respuestas.
