Showing 26–50 of 325 results

  • Prostate Imaging, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America – Schieda

    In this issue of Radiologic Clinics, guest editors Drs. Nicola Schieda and Andrei Purysko bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Prostate Imaging. Worldwide, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in males, and MRI scans can give doctors a very clear picture of the prostate and nearby areas. In this issue, top experts discuss key topics such as a contemporary approach to prostate imaging and data reporting system score 3 lesions; the expanding role of MRI and use of PRECISE criteria in the active surveillance of prostate cancer; MRI-guided prostate cancer therapies; and more.

  • Diagnóstico Radiológico – Urgencias Rx – Lacey – Raby

    Este excelente libro adquirirá rápida popularidad no sólo en el servicio de urgencias, sino también entre jóvenes radiólogos y traumatólogos. Este texto introduce al médico en los principios básicos de la radiografía simple y explica los fundamentos de la formación de la imagen radiográfica haciendo hincapié en, por ejemplo, la necesidad de realizar dos proyecciones ante un traumatismo. Tras el capítulo de introducción, describe las radiografías más apropiadas para las diferentes lesiones que pueden sufrir las distintas partes del organismo. Se incluyen áreas como el tórax, donde el lector posee con seguridad conocimientos previos y, lo que es más importante, regiones como la cara, que es una zona poco familiar para el médico y que presenta dificultades en la interpretación radiológica.

    Cada capítulo comienza con las radiografías esenciales para estudiar cada región en particular, seguido de una revisión anatómica de las estructuras radiografiadas. Después se describen las variantes normales, que sirven para evitar diagnósticos erróneos. A continuación se presenta una serie de ejemplos, alteraciones y, en particular, fracturas de ciertas estructuras en regiones relevantes. En todos los capítulos se incluyen descripciones y radiografías de los errores diagnósticos más frecuentes. Cada capítulo finaliza con una serie de puntos clave que son útiles para recordar las características más importantes.

    Los residentes suelen preguntar a los adjuntos de urgencias y traumatología acerca de qué libros pueden serles útiles en su ejercicio. No me cabe la menor duda de que este libro se convertirá rápidamente en una obra de enorme popularidad. Cuando esto ocurra, se reducirá de forma drástica el número de errores cometidos, y se mejorará la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria.

  • Eco MSK 1 Hombro – Jiménez

    El avance de la técnica ecográfica nos está permitiendo en la actualidad el conocimiento de estructuras anatómicas y de lesiones antes no exploradas habitualmente con esta técnica. Por ello hemos desarrollado este magnífico tratado con el nombre de ECO•MSK.

    La Ecografía Musculoesquelética es un ejemplo del avance de esta herramienta en la práctica de numerosas especialidades médicas para el diagnóstico y tratamiento ecodirigido de las lesiones que en el hombro se producen.

    En este libro ECO•MSK HOMBRO se hace un completo recorrido por la anatomía ecográfica de la articulación, revisando las afecciones allí producidas y estudiando los diferentes procedimientos ecoguiados que se aplican para la resolución de estas lesiones. Esto incluye el estudio de los recesos y de las bursas para diagnosticar las enfermedades articulares. También a través de la ecografía se puede llevar a cabo el examen de las tendinopatías, así como de las lesiones que afectan a ligamentos y nervios que cruzan esta articulación, que junto a otras lesiones específicas conforman el índice de las aplicaciones del ultrasonido en el diagnóstico de la patología del hombro.

    Creemos con este texto, por tanto, haber reunido la información necesaria para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las lesiones del hombro. Aunque el poeta romano Ovidio, afirmó en una reflexión sobre las propiedades curativas de dejar pasar el tiempo que “el tiempo es generalmente el mejor médico” la ecografía en el momento actual en contra de esta afirmación, permite acortar los plazos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de las lesiones del aparato locomotor.

  • Diagnostic Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set, 6th Edition- Rumack

    Spanning a wide range of medical specialties and practice settings, Diagnostic Ultrasound, 6th Edition, provides complete, detailed information on the latest techniques for ultrasound imaging of the whole body; image-guided procedures; fetal, obstetric, and pediatric imaging; and much more. This thoroughly revised, two-volume set, edited by Drs. Carol M. Rumack and Deborah Levine, remains the most comprehensive and authoritative ultrasound resource available. Up-to-date guidance from experts in the field keep you abreast of expanding applications of this versatile imaging modality and help you understand the «how» and «why» of ultrasound use and interpretation.

    Key Features

    • Covers all aspects of diagnostic ultrasound with sections for Physics; Abdominal, Pelvic, Small Parts, Vascular, Obstetric, and Pediatric Sonography.
    • Contains 5,000 images throughout, including 2D and 3D imaging as well as the use of contrast agents and elastography.
    • Includes a new section on setting up a contrast lab for clinical practice and a new chapter on hemodialysis.
    • Features new coverage of the parotid, salivary, and submandibular glands, as well as the retroperitoneum, which now includes a section on endoleaks with ultrasound contrast.
    • Uses a straightforward writing style and extensive image panels with correlative findings.
    • Includes 400 video clips showing real-time scanning of anatomy and pathology.
    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
  • Infiltraciones Ecoguiadas MSK Handbook – Jiménez

    Tras dos breves capítulos iniciales de familiarización con las técnicas de intervencionismo, nos adentramos en el conocimiento de los métodos de infiltración de las lesiones en el tejido muscular y en las articulaciones principales de los miembros superiores e inferiores.

    En cada capítulo se valoran las diferentes lesiones que pueden producirse y ser tratadas mediante métodos de intervencionismo. Los procedimientos de tratamiento se han distribuido separándolos por apartados en lesiones articulares, lesiones tendinosas, lesiones ligamentosas, así como bursitisquistes y otras lesiones que son más específicas. En éstas incluimos, entre otras, la capsulitis adhesiva del hombro, los síndromes de compresión nerviosa del codo y la muñeca, el tratamiento del síndrome piriformis en la cadera, las lesiones meniscales en la rodilla o las lesiones de la planta del pie.

    En la descripción del tratamiento de cada lesión se ha incluido un breve recuerdo anatómico y ecográfico de la estructura lesionada, el material necesario para desarrollar la técnica, las indicaciones y el posicionamiento del paciente y del miembro para llevar a cabo el procedimiento. Se describe la técnica de punción ciega y ecodirigida, finalizando con las precauciones y cuidados posteriores a tener en cuenta con el paciente.

    Toda esta información de cada lesión está complementada con una figura anatómica representando la vía de infiltración, una imagen ecográfica de la lesión que va a ser tratada, y dos fotos de la colocación de la aguja sobre el paciente, tanto si la infiltración es ciega como si se realiza de forma ecoguiada. Finalmente, se incluyen imágenes ecográficas del procedimiento, especificando la posición de la aguja y la relación con la estructura diana que va a ser tratada. Con esta amplia iconografía se explica con sumo detalle el método utilizado para el tratamiento de cada una de las lesiones, que se describen en este libro.

  • Eco de mama Handbook – Lanfranchi

    Este libro es un excelente tratado sobre la aplicación de los ultrasonidos en el diagnóstico de la patología mamaria. Proporciona una visión general de las técnicas actuales de ecografía y explica las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas, ilustrando con imágenes de alta calidad las enfermedades malignas y benignas más importantes. Además, estas ilustraciones se enriquecen con flechas y etiquetas que aumentan su valor pedagógico y permitirán un diagnóstico más preciso y temprano.

    Otra de las virtudes de este trabajo, es su absoluta “puesta al día” ya que refleja los procedimientos ecográficos de vanguardia y, para la organización y elaboración de los informes, se basa en los criterios BI-RAD correspondientes a la quinta edición publicada recientemente.

  • Resonancia Magnética Musculoesquelética – Ruiz

    Las consultas de problemas musculoesqueléticos, tanto en atención primaria como especializada, con patologías de alta prevalencia como la lumbalgia, la cervicalgia o la artrosis, tienen una alta incidencia y un gran impacto en la salud de la población.

    La resonancia magnética es una de las herramientas más potentes en el diagnóstico de la patología musculoesquelética, lo que ha favorecido el incremento de su demanda. El conocimiento y la correcta interpretación de las imágenes requiere de un aprendizaje continuo tanto por parte de radiólogos, que deben realizar informes lo más precisos posible, como para aquellos profesionales sanitarios que deben actuar en base a correlacionar los hallazgos clínicos con lo que ofrecen dichas imágenes.

  • Ecografía en Dermatología y Dermoestética 2ed. – Alfageme

    En los últimos años, la aplicación de los ultrasonidos al diagnóstico de las enfermedades y alteraciones estéticas cutáneas ha experimentado un desarrollo exponencial. La segunda edición de este manual, imprescindible referencia para los médicos que realizan exploraciones en el campo de la ecografía, facilita al lector las ultimas actualizaciones de esta técnica de forma clara, sencilla y completa.

  • Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis 2023-2026 – Hodler

    This open access book deals with imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, an area that has seen considerable advances over the past several years, driven by clinical as well as technological developments. The respective chapters, written by internationally respected experts in their fields, focus on imaging diagnosis and interventional therapies in abdominal and pelvic disease; they cover all relevant imaging modalities, including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound, and positron emission tomography. As such, the book offers a comprehensive review of the state of the art in imaging of the abdomen and pelvis.

    IDKD books are extensively re-written every four years. As a result, they offer a comprehensive review of the state of the art in imaging. The book is clearly structured with learning objectives, abstracts, subheadings, tables and take-home points, supported by design elements to help readers easily navigate through the text. As an IDKD book, it is particularly valuable for general radiologists, radiology residents, and interventional radiologists who want to update their diagnostic knowledge, and for clinicians interested in imaging as it relates to their speciality.

  • Pediatric Imaging A Core Review – Blumer

    Prepare for success on the pediatric imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Pediatric Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Steven L. Blumer, David M. Biko, and Safwan S. Halabi, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains over 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, revised content, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.

  • Neuroradiology A Core Review 2ed. – Dubey

    Prepare for success on the neuroimaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Neuroradiology: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Sathish Kumar Dundamadappa,  Prachi Dubey, Daniel Thomas Ginat, and Gul Moonis, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 500 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations and annotated images of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.

  • Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis 2nd Edition – Kamaya

    Develop a solid understanding of ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis with this practical, point-of-care reference in the popular Diagnostic Ultrasound series. Written by leading experts in the field, the second edition of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis offers detailed, clinically oriented coverage of ultrasound imaging of this complex area and includes illustrated and written correlation between ultrasound findings and other modalities. The most comprehensive reference in its field, this image-rich resource helps you achieve an accurate ultrasound diagnosis for every patient.

  • Osborn’s Brain 3rd Edition

    Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn’s Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn’s entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn’s Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise—from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows.

  • Pediatric Head and Neck Imaging, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics – O’Brien

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editor Dr. William T. O’Brien, Sr., brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Pediatric Head and Neck Imaging. The differential diagnosis of neck masses in pediatric patients differs compared to masses that arise in adults. In this issue, top experts in the field discuss imaging of hearing loss, sinus infections, neck masses, and congenital lesions, and more.
    Key Features
    • Contains 11 relevant, practice-oriented topics including conductive hearing loss in children; congenital cystic neck masses; common solid and vascular neck masses in children; pediatric facial and paranasal sinus infections; infectious and inflammatory processes of the orbits in children; and more.
    • Provides in-depth clinical reviews on pediatric head and neck imaging, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
    • Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
  • Musculoskeletal Diseases 2021-2024 – Hodler

    This open access book focuses on imaging of the musculoskeletal diseases. Over the last few years, there have been considerable advances in this area, driven by clinical as well as technological developments. The authors are all internationally renowned experts in their field. They are also excellent teachers, and provide didactically outstanding chapters. The book is disease-oriented and covers all relevant imaging modalities, with particular emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging. Important aspects of pediatric imaging are also included.

    IDKD books are completely re-written every four years. As a result, they offer a comprehensive review of the state of the art in imaging. The book is clearly structured with learning objectives, abstracts, subheadings, tables and take-home points, supported by design elements to help readers easily navigate through the text. As an IDKD book, it is particularly valuable for general radiologists, radiology residents, and interventional radiologists who want to update their diagnostic knowledge, and for clinicians interested in imaging as it relates to their specialty.

  • Functional Neuroradiology Principles and Clinical Applications – Faro

    This new edition fully updates and expands Faro and Mohamed’s Functional Neuroradiology, a gold standard, comprehensive introduction to the state-of-the-art functional imaging in neuroradiology, including the physical principles and clinical applications of Diffusion, Perfusion, Permeability, MR spectroscopy, Positron Emission Tomography, BOLD fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.

    With chapters written by internationally distinguished neuroradiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, cognitive neuroscientists, and physicists, Functional Neuroradiology is divided into 12 major sections, including: Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging, Multi-Modality Functional Neuroradiology, BOLD Functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Presurgical Brain Tumor Mapping, Emerging neuroimaging techniques, Functional Spine and Hydrocephalus imaging, and Neuroanatomical Gray and White matter Brain Atlases. This second edition is fully updated throughout and includes more than 15 new chapters on topics such as: Brain tumor Radiogenomics, CNS Tumor Surveillance and Functional MR Perfusion Imaging, CNS Machine Learning, Focused Ultrasound therapy, TBI Sports Related Injury, and CNS Lymphatic system.

    By offering readers a complete overview of functional imaging modalities and techniques currently used in patient diagnosis and management, as well as emerging technology, Functional Neuroradiology is a vital information source for physicians and cognitive neuroscientists involved in daily practice and research.

  • Dermatologic Ultrasound with Clinical and Histologic Correlations Softcover – Wortsman

    Significant technological advances have produced equipment that allows imaging of the skin with variable frequency ultrasound in previously unseen detail and provides a range of dynamic data that is currently unmatched by any other technology.  Dermatologic Ultrasound with Clinical and Histologic Correlations is a comprehensive introduction to ultrasonography of the skin, nails, and scalp as it relates to the assessment and diagnosis of dermatologic diseases. It provides radiologists, sonographers, dermatologists, and physicians with interest in skin imaging with a concise understanding of the diagnosis of dermatologic conditions through extensive high-resolution gray scale and color Doppler ultrasound images and presents classical correlations of clinical dermatologic lesions with sonographic and histologic findings.  Featuring more than 1700 images, this text-atlas provides an excellent starting point in learning about this topic.


    Featuring contributions from world-renowned authorities in the field of superficial ultrasound imaging, the book reviews the technical considerations relating to color Doppler ultrasound of the skin; surveys the dermatologic entities that can be visualized with ultrasound  imaging, such as cutaneous tumors, inflammatory diseases, hemangiomas and vascular malformations, melanoma, nail tumors, scalp diseases and cosmetic conditions; shows common simulators of cutaneous diseases; and discusses protocols for assessing common dermatologic conditions.  Inclusion of clinical overviews, tips, and pitfalls enables a better understanding of the pathologies of the disorders and the methodological approach in assessing these entities.

  • Xu / Diagnostic Ultrasound in Dermatology

    This book offers readers details in application of high-frequency ultrasound in dermatology, a new method playing increasingly important roles in diagnosis of skin diseases. At first, chapters introduce anatomy and ultrasound features of normal skin. Then terminology, image quality, and artifact of dermatologic ultrasound are presented. After that, ultrasound features of benign and malignant skin tumors, inflammation, autoimmune disease, and traumas are described with diagnostic tips for specific disease. It will be a valuable reference book not only for dermatologist and radiologist, but also for plastic surgeon and cosmetologist.


  • Kandarpa Handbook of Interventional Radiology 2023 6ed.

    Focusing on time-tested protocols, tailored imaging and current procedural equipment, this popular, practical handbook by Drs. Krishna Kandarpa, Lindsay Machan, Robert Lewandowski, and Parag J. Patel features extensive updates to keep you current with rapid growth in the field. Now in brilliant full color throughout, Kandarpa Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures, 6th Edition, is a convenient, easy-access guide to all current radiologic procedures. It’s an ideal resource not only for practicing interventional and general radiologists, but also for fellows and residents in training, IR nurses, and special procedure technologists.

  • Breast Imaging A Core Review 3ed – Shah

    Prepare for success on the breast imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Breast Imaging: A Core Review, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Biren A. Shah and Sabala Mandava, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.

  • Medicina nuclear. Fundamentos – Jadvar

    La medicina nuclear está evolucionando como uno de los campos más prometedores de la medicina clínica. La reciente aceleración en el desarrollo y la aprobación de radiofármacos para la obtención de imágenes y la terapia dirigida ha contribuido de forma significativa a la atención de pacientes con diversas enfermedades en los ámbitos de la cardiología, la neurología, la oncología y las enfermedades inflamatorias e infecciosas.
    Medicina nuclear. Fundamentos presenta una visión completa y concisa de los conocimientos más importantes de este desafiante campo en evolución. Es una obra completa para que residentes e internos la utilicen durante las rotaciones, o como un repaso rápido para radiólogos y médicos de medicina nuclear en activo.
    Se abarcan todos los temas clínicos principales, incluyendo información adicional sobre los fundamentos de la física de la medicina nuclear, tecnología de los equipos y garantía de calidad, radioquímica, y seguridad de la radiación, además de contenidos sobre temas especializados como el embarazo, la lactancia, la pediatría y la infección por SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19).

  • Fundamentals of Pediatric Imaging 3ed. – Donnelly

    Fundamentals of Pediatric Imaging, Third Edition presents the foremost techniques of pediatric medical image analysis and processing. It includes advanced imaging techniques, neuro applications, and highlights basic anatomy needed to understand this complex specialty. The book introduces the theory and concepts of pediatric digital image analysis and newly revised information on quality and safety topics, imaging modalities, imaging applications, and new discoveries in diseases and treatments. The newly revised edition provides updates in areas of expertise including neurologic, musculoskeletal, cardiac, chest, and GU imaging. Edited by Lane F. Donnelly, MD, recipient of the Society of Pediatric Radiology’s 2009 Singleton-Taybi Award, this book is sure to be a prime reference in pediatric medical imagining.

  • MRI and Traumatic Brain Injury, An Issue of Neuroimaging Clinics of North America – Maralani

    In this issue of Neuroimaging Clinics, guest editors Drs. Pejman Jabehdar Maralani and Sean Symons bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Neurotrauma. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as conventional MRI in trauma management in adults and children; imaging approach to concussion; clinical updates on concussion; the current state of DWI/DTI for trauma prognostication; the current state of fMRI/rs-fMRI for trauma prognostication; and more.

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets – O’Young

    For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students, academics, and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets, 4th Edition, offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics in this dynamic field. This highly regarded resource features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, weblinks, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style – making an inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.
    Key Features
    • The proven Secrets Series® format gives you the most return for your time – concise, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective.
    • Fully revised and updated, including new information on geriatric rehabilitation, rehabilitation philosophy, vocational rehabilitation, disability rating and impairments, and legislation and reimbursement.
    • New chapters and content include Longitudinal Learning; Regenerative Medicine; Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, PM&R ideology and Disability Awareness & Sensitivity, Organ Transplantation; Spinal Deformity: and more.
    • Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a rapid overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice, exams, and teaching sessions.
    • Bulleted lists, mnemonics, and practical tips from global leaders in the field provide a concise overview of important board-relevant content.
    • Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine – Salzman

    Designed with the busy practitioner in mind, ExpertDDx: Brain and Spine, third edition, quickly guides you to the most likely differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information. This superbly illustrated resource covers more than 275 of the top differential diagnoses across a broad spectrum of central nervous system diseases, presenting parallel groups of anatomically based differentials, generic imaging patterns, modality-specific findings, and clinically based differentials for each area. Now fully revised and up-to-date, this practical reference clearly guides you through useful, actionable differential diagnoses that lead to definitive findings in every area of the brain and spine.
    Key Features
    • Presents multiple clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images for each diagnosis; a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but significant; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues
    • Reflects changes in 2021 WHO CNS tumor grading and nomenclature
    • Contains newly identified entities, new differential diagnoses, and updated references
    • Shows both typical and variant manifestations of each possible diagnosis
    • Includes more than 7,000 high-quality print and online images
    • Features updated genetic information now available in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
    • Separates adult and pediatric DDx lists for even faster reference
    • Assists you in building either a definitive diagnosis from an imaging study or a carefully refined list of reasonable differential diagnoses
    • Includes an eBook version that enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud